October 6, 2009

bicara bersama bapa #4 : Monay.

"What the hell did you do last night sampai letih tak larat ni."

"Definitely bukan womanizing in your car. Dang, assignments pa. Banyak gila kot, dah nak mati dah ni."

"Wey, jangan mati lagi. Not just yet."

"Huh? And why not?"

"Aku tak merasa duit kau lagi."

Raya lagi ni, sempat nak minta maaf kalau termaki dalam hati.



Myra Me said...

u jealous x sbb ur dad lg cool dr u?tak yah jawab..confirm jealous..bahahaha..

Mo Nazmi Ahmad. said...

i rasa dia lebih sinis dari I je. :D Kool? tak?!

sassin.flop said...

haha,u know what,
i am damn depressed nw!,,
but somehow,ur entry this time maneged to gimme back my smile!,,
n ur dad is so000 co0l!,,haha

Anonymous said...

as i said before this..ayah ko lahar very the.ahahah

Mo Nazmi Ahmad. said...

sassin. heheahea yeah.

u gotta chill babe. life's too short to be unhappy. so chill babe.


kau pun very the lahar. lahabau like the kerbau yang very the berbau.